Root Canal Therapy in Sydney
What is Root Canal Therapy?
- Root canal therapy (RCT) is also known as endodontic treatment or root canal treatment
- RCT involves the cleaning out (irrigation) and removal of infected or inflamed pulpal (nerve) tissues and the preparation of an empty nerve canal system to fill it in with a root canal filling (called gutta percha)
- Root canal system contains pulpal tissues which consist of connective tissues, nerve and blood supply
Why RCT?
- Severe toothache - that is not relief by pain killers (analgesics) and causes inability to sleep, chew & go on with daily activities
- Deep decay affecting the nerve system
- Symptoms of nerve pain and nerve inflammation that are irreversible due to dying nerve system
- As a consequences of grinding habit
- As a consequence of dental trauma or injury
- As a consequence of long standing hairline cracks in the tooth which cause de-vitalisation of the tooth+/- root infection many years later
- As a rare sequelae many years after orthodontics
- Due to advanced gum disease
- Tooth infection caused by either nerve inflammation, devitalisation or deep decays or a combination of factors
3 Types of RCT
- for single-canal tooth such as anterior teeth (incisors and canines) and second premolars
- for double-canal teeth such as first premolar and some lower anterior
- for multi-rooted teeth such as all molars
- RCT in anterior to premolars - simple, less expensive
- RCT in molars - complex, more expensive. Therefore, patients will be given a choice to have them done either by a general dentist or by referral to a specialist endodontist
Benefits of RCT?
- to eliminate the infection underneath the tooth
- to save your natural tooth
- can be quick and cost effective
- can be comfortable if the tooth is completely anaesthetised and modern equipment are utilised
Disadvantages of RCT
- RCT in molars are more complex, technique challenging hence take more time and requires at least 2 long appointments
- RCT in molars are more expensive
- RCT procedure in molars could run into more risks and complications than RCT in anterior-premolars
- RCT is contra-indicated in patients who are unable to open their mouth wide enough for the comfortable insertion of the handpiece and small endodontic files.
- You can still lose the tooth due to persistent pain or infection not resolved even after spending a lot of time and money on RCT
How to Find Us
Opening Hours
By AppointmentsMonday - Friday: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PMSaturday - Sunday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Closed on Public Holidays
Walk-in Welcome
Dens in Dente acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we live, work and serve. We celebrate the oldest living culture and its unbroken history of storytelling and communication. We pay respect to Elders - past, present and future.